We participated in the 1st International Congress of the Federal College of Experts in Mexico

Organized by the prestigious Federal College of Experts (CFP), and with the premise of strengthening academic practices, labor and institutional, in order to collaborate in the arduous task of improving a safer State, del 16 al 18 November 2023 The 1st International Congress was held in the city of Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico).

The event brought together a significant number of highly recognized speakers not only from the sponsoring country., but also from other parts of the world such as Spain, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, organized in cycles of conferences and workshops that were offered during the 3 days in the Auditorium of the State Institute of Higher Studies in Security and Police Professionalization (IEESSPP) from the city.

We had the privilege of being invited to participate in the event, giving two keynote lectures:

  • Forensic comparison microscopy, optical or digital? – by Mg. Carlos Diribarne, where the advantages and disadvantages of the use of both technologies applied to forensic comparison were analyzed..
  • The scopometric method applied to the identification of counterfeits – by Mg. Diego Alvarez, where the development of this method in Argentina was addressed, emphasizing its application for the identification of falsifications of new objects of study.

Likewise, We participated in two workshops within the workshop program: Development and removal of latent prints with applicators and physical reagents: Method and practice, addressing the fingerprint study of the fingerprints present in scenes of the incident, carrying out guided practices for developing and surveying them and the best practices for obtaining them.

It was also a great opportunity., to expose during the 3 days to the entire public present through a stand the products that ADN Criminalística has available for forensic practices of all expert specialties, and exchange experiences and knowledge with professionals locally and internationally.

We are very happy with this invaluable experience, and grateful to the entire School team, especially, with your president, The doctor. Victor Gutiérrez Olivarez.


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