Criminalistics applied to Fraud Investigation in Insurance Claims (online)

$ 10.900,00

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Virtual specialized training in Criminalistics applied to the Investigation of Fraud in Insurance Claims

to take place on the day Saturday 20 April 2024 workshop-practical-detection-forgeries-documentary-security-dna-criminalistics through Webinar and from anywhere in the world.


  • Definition of fraud and its modalities
  • Contributions of criminalistics in the investigation of fraud
  • Research methodology and planning
  • Auto Claim Fraud
  • Additional information to consider
  • Interview with the insured and witnesses
  • Survey of the scene of the incident
  • Insured vehicle inspection
  • Final negotiation to close the claim (withdrawals)
  • Real cases

Training is based on specific techniques, taking into account that the insured is a client of the company, that allow obtaining necessary and sufficient evidence to qualify a suspicious loss, as legitimate or fraudulent.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered.

This course is aimed at criminalistics professionals and related science experts; to lawyers and legal professionals; the personnel of companies of insurance companies, insurance advisory producers, claims adjusters, students and interested general public

Dictated by the Lic. Stephen Recimil, Criminalist and insurance fraud specialist.


ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile 48 ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile.

For registration from the outside (outside Argentina) ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile, addressing here and paying 16 American dollars. Once the payment, Notify the same from ourcontact page to confirm your registration.

If you wish to pay for the registration through other means (outside Argentina) consult and request here.