Training in Fraud Detection in Checks and Security Documents (online)

$ 3.100,00

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Virtual specialized training for documentary fraud detection in checks and other security documents

to take place on the day Saturday 10 June 2023 workshop-practical-detection-forgeries-documentary-security-dna-criminalistics through Webinar and from anywhere in the world.


Train the participant so that he can accurately and quickly recognize any dubious and doubtful documentation that is presented to him. Based on the concept of knowing first and recognizing second to avoid Fraud.

During the course, all the necessary knowledge will be provided to understand the characteristics of the Valued Species or legitimate documents of legal tender. (paper, impressions, inks and security elements). Expert cases of microsurgeries will be explained and described, check reprinting, inkjet counterfeiting of checks, DNI, billetes, schedules, pasaportes, falsification in Offset in DNI, laser forgery on cedula, forgery in calcography of dollars, chemical washing and inkjet reprinting of banknotes and other cases used for adulteration and counterfeiting of checks, billetes, DNI and other valued species. For such purposes, they will be seen, exhaustively, the properties of papers, printing systems, inks and security elements usually included for the production of valued species.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered.

This course is aimed at criminalistics professionals and related science experts; to lawyers and legal professionals; the personnel of companies of insurance companies, insurance advisory producers, claims adjusters, students and interested general public.

Dictated by the Lic. Stephen Recimil, Criminalist and insurance fraud specialist.

Time: de 10 a 13 hs. ca.. (GTM -3, Argentina time)


ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile 48 ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile.

For registration from the outside (outside Argentina) ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile, addressing here and paying 16 American dollars. Once the payment, Notify the same from ourcontact page to confirm your registration.

If you wish to pay for the registration through other means (outside Argentina) consult and request here.