Clinical criminology – Basile and Agudo (2018)

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Introduction to general criminology. Antisocial personality disorder. Psychopathic personalities and neuroses. Victimology. Sexual offenses. Female crime. Organized crime killers. Classification of offenders. Lombroso and the "delinquent man". Classical school, positive school, new doctrines. Critical criminology. Classifications of offenders. Psychopathic personalities and neuroses, General syndrome of psychopathies. Diagnosis of psychopathies, Clinical forms of psychopathy. Differential diagnosis between neurosis and psychopathy.
Antisocial personality disorder. The evil personality, The wicked personality.
Sex offenders. Juvenile delinquency, Minority and the law. General concepts about female crime. The mental process of murder. Crime of criminal abortion. Psychoanalytic interpretation of abortive motivations. Violent emotion in murder. Organized crime killers. Sects and their dangerousness, Brainwashing process, Delirium as a manifestation
sectarian. Criminogenesis of crimes in particular. Psychogenesis of criminal behavior. Drug trafficking crime and production of dangerous drugs. Offenses of evil antisocial personalities, perverse antisocial. Treatment of criminals (criminal therapy). Penalties and security measures, Penitentiary systems. Final thoughts. Criminology and victimology.
Clinical criminology: (From latin crime, criminis = crime) It is the "science of antisocial and criminal human behavior, based on the in-depth study of normal particular cases, abnormal and pathological ", según Benigno Di Tullio, criterion that allows the understanding of crimes and dangerous human behaviors. Other authors, deepened the lines of medical research of individual cases in the application of the clinical method, task that they developed from César Lombroso onwards, prestigious criminologists such as José Ingenieros, Jean Pinatel, Agostino Gemelli, Enrico
Altavilla, etc.
Clinical Criminology, according to our criteria, is defined as the scientific study of
endogenous causes: somatic, functional or psychic, that promote or generate crimes or
dangerous human actions for persons or other legal assets protected by law.

Autores: Alexander A. Basile / Daniel Ricardo Agudo
Updated Edition – February,es 2018
358 páginas.