Assessment of bodily harm – Kvitko (2016)

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Examination and Evaluation of the Expert to Base and Develop a Correct Medicolegal Expertise. Signs. Tests. Maneuvers. Reflexes. Scales. Tests. Phenomena. Indices. Score tables. Classifications. Joint mobility. Pictures and graphics.

Medicolegally expert is the conjunction of the science-consciousness binomial. Y, dumping the established findings and diagnoses in the expert opinion is the summation of science and art. Science since known scientific knowledge must be applied, recognized and accepted, to which the particular imprint of the expert gives its special way, that's art. But for all this, experience is required, and this is given by time, with regular professional practice and permanent study. This third edition of my book «Assessment of bodily harm», what is the result of the review, update and increase the information of the above, seeks to provide experts with access to a very large material scattered in the bibliography, so that he can carry out his work with the necessary foundation. At the same time, the trial lawyers, as well as the judges, find explanations for many issues that are difficult for them, not to say, impossible to understand, when they value an expert opinion.

Autor: Luis Alberto Kvitko
Fourth edition expanded and updated – Marzo 2016
870 páginas.