The response of victimology to new forms of victimization – Tamarit, Pereda

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The response of victimology to new forms of victimization.

Victimization in the domestic sphere Two-way violence in dating relationships; Son-parental violence; exposure of minors to parental violence; in cyberspace victimized dogmatic in the use of ICT, digital schizophrenia and naivety; harassment through new technologies; internet fraud; in risk groups, victimization and prostitution; responses to victimization, intervention and repair.

Colección: Criminological and Criminal News No. 6
Autores: Tamarit, Josep M. (Spanish professor)  Pereda, Naomi (prof. Spanish) (coords.)
ISBN 978-9974-708-23-5.
Encuadernación Rústica
Pages: 362 pp.