Sexual victimization of minors and the response of the criminal justice system – Tamarit

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Sexual victimization of minors and the response of the criminal justice system.

Theoretical approach and current state of the research. Prevalence of sexual victimization in a community sample of Spanish adolescents. Online sexual victimization of minors: Grooming and Sexting in Adolescents. Study of sentences. The judicial prosecution of child sexual victimization. Qualitative study on the need of victims of child sexual abuse before the criminal justice system. Criminal sanctions. Criminal policy and empirical research on the sexual victimization of minors.

Colección: Criminological and Criminal News No. 10
Autores: Tamarit, Josep M. (coordinator)
ISBN 978-9974-745-24-7.
Encuadernación Rústica
Pages: 370 pp.