Specialized case for developing and lifting latent prints

Original price was: $ 730.000,00.Current price is: $ 622.000,00.

3 in stock

New specialized case for developing and lifting latent papiloscopic traces. All its elements are delivered in a medium size reinforced aluminum case, protegido por espuma de polietileno en ambas caras.
El maletín especializado contiene:

magnetic applicator PRO,pt
Pincel de fibra de vidrio
Pincel plumón de Marabú
Pincel de pelo de Camello
Frasco de polvo magnético negro 1.5 Oz.
Frasco de polvo magnético blanco 1.5 Oz.
Frasco de polvo magnético fluorescente verde 1.5 Oz.
Frasco de polvo regular negro 1 Oz.
Frasco de Polvo regular blanco 1 Oz.
Frasco de polvo regular fluorescente naranja 1 Oz.
2 Adhesive Lifter Boxes (lifters) Transparent for latent prints x50 a.
Transparent survey tabs
Testigos métricos bidimensionales negros
Hand lens
Linterna UV 9 LEDs
Cinta adhesiva
Tijeras y Lapiceras

OPCIONAL: Llevando el maletín podrá adquirir el libro “Tratado de Papiloscopía” de Alegretti-Brandimarti de Pini (2007) al 20% de descuento.

Keep in mind that the assembly and preparation of the case may take up,es 20 days once I have paid for it.

Además, You can insure this briefcase against theft at the low approximate price of $320 monthly, requesting it at the time of purchase.