Specialized briefcase for postmortem impression taking (necrodactylar)

$ 315.000,00

5 in stock

This specialized kit contains all the elements to take fingerprints on cadavers and on people with motor disabilities in their hands..
Includes a stainless steel set of special finger straighteners for cadaveric rigidity and inking tools, among other elements, inside an aluminum briefcase, protegido por espuma de polietileno en ambas caras.

– Small reinforced aluminum container case with protective foam.
– 2 finger straighteners with 4 different sizes.
– Fingerprint card holder.
– Specialized inking plate.
– Rubber roller 7,5 cm. for entintado.
– 2 jars of 50 g. black papiloscopic ink.
– 50 fichas decadactilares.
– Latex glove box x100 un.
– Pad for regular fingerprint taking.

Keep in mind that the assembly and preparation of the case may take up,es 15 days once I have paid for it.

Además, You can insure this briefcase against theft at the low approximate price of $320 monthly, requesting it at the time of purchase.