Forensic neuropsychiatry – Ugarte (2018)

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Psychological autopsy. Violent emotion. Psychopathies. Psychic damage. Domestic violence. Mental illness simulation. Sexual offenses. Disability trial. Dementia and disqualification. Drug addiction. Medical liability. Practical models.

The reason that led me to write this book was to facilitate the study and apprehension of knowledge to my dear fellow students who are specializing in Psychiatry, it is included, be later, during professional practice, through the sheets of this work, a practical and simple guide that updates what has already been studied in a timely manner, but now he is lost in the labyrinths of everyday becoming.
The psychiatrist is fading in hospitals, clinics, in their offices, both urban and rural, but the risk of a lawsuit always lurks, generally wrong, or made in visible bad faith. On this last case, essentially for profit, by the unscrupulousness of some, fortunately few, lawyers.
These demands, tend to generate great anxiety in their recipients. Possible allegations of malpractice are relatively frequent, and consequently to it, the accused professionals, they live a real ordeal of worries. The purpose of this work is evident. It tries to be a reinsurance that protects the quality of life of the professional in action. It indicates the limits within which their performance cannot be prosecuted. It proposes to offer the specialist a valid reference that allows him to travel the paths of Clinical Psychiatry without transgressing the rules of Law.

Autor: René Raúl Ugarte
2of the Updated Edition – Marzo 2018
774 páginas
Includes CD-ROM