Criminalistics. Manual – Guzmán (2014)

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Manual de Criminalística. 

Criminalistics. Forensic anthropology and forensic dentistry in criminal investigation. Human identification, latent fingerprints. La prueba documental. Fibers, serological tests and other body fluids. Footprints, tire tread and tool marks. DNA as evidence. Forensic Palynology. Entomología forense. Forensic facial reconstruction techniques. Weapons. Aiming system. Caliber. Balística. Ammo and cartridge. Remains of deflagrations. Ballistic IDs. Computer forensics. Investigation of road events, road accident. Examen de pinturas. The expert and the expertise / expertise.

Autor: Guzmán, Charles Albert (prof. Argentinian).
ISBN 978-9974-676-65-7.
2da. edición, 2014
Encuadernación Rústica
Pages: 720 pp.