Specialized online training of printing systems and document security measures

To be held on April 1, 2023 de 10 a 13 h. ca. (GTM -3 | Argentine time), through Webinar (online mode from anywhere in the world).


  • Analysis of security measures and existing printing systems in the world, that allow the determination of authenticity and falsity on all types of documents (bills and coins, cheque, DNI, pasaporte, tarjetas plásticas, etc.), with practical cases.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered.

Destined to public and private FFSS, experts, professionals, estudiantes y público general interesado en las ciencias forenses; ATMs, colaboradores de sectores antifraude y riesgo, y puestos donde se manipule dinero o documentos en: banca, servicios financieros, seguros, etc.


ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile 48 ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile.

For registration from the outside (outside Argentina) ballistics-military-forensic-criminalistics-dna-ammunition-war-usa-projectile, addressing here and paying 16 American dollars. Once the payment, Notify the same from ourcontact page to confirm your registration.

If you wish to pay for the registration through other means (outside Argentina) consult and request here.